Brain Fog Is Real!

man in gray crew neck shirt with brown hair
Categories: For All & Sundry
Categories: For All & Sundry




Published On: October 2, 2023

Modern lifestyles generate modern ailments. We are all familiar with conditions of anxiety and depression because they have been accepted by doctors and therapists as bone fide health ailments. And, luckily, we are familiar with remedies that have been developed for them!

But another troubling condition of modern life has only recently been given a label: brain fog. This is usually a feeling of spaciness or thickness in the head and it often impairs focus and thinking. Because it’s so new to have an actual label, many people are not inclined to think of it as anything that can be treated and simply put up with it as “just one of those things.” But a lot of scientific attention has been paid to it and it is quite treatable.

Brain fog can have many causes, though, which makes diagnosis more complicated. We could group them loosely into these categories:

general stress

poor sleep


environmental stress

medical conditions (examples: diabetes, fibromyalgia, lupus, cancer, multiple sclerosis)

In terms of nutrition and environmental stress, a number of recent changes in society have added to the problem. Many health experts believe that refined foods and sugar can lead to brain fog. And it has been documented that air pollution, especially inside homes, can also produce this affect in people. (Reducing the use of toxic cleaning products is one way to help with this problem.)

Remedies are available but because it can result from a number of sources, it may take some patience ot get to the bottom of it. A person experiencing brain fog can try some obvious things. Start by asking a few questions: Does it correlate with poor sleep? Stress? Does it tend to occur after I eat a certain food?

It is often more complicated, however. A medical doctor is a good first go-to to rule out major medical conditions. But having done that, I would suggest seeing an alternative health practitioner who often has a more systemic view of the body (including nutrition, the body’s waste management systems, the body’s energy systems, and how they all interact) than medical doctors do.

Functional medicine doctors (who aren’t md’s) can be very effective in getting to the root of brain fog. Naturopaths are also helpful. In the Twin Cities I have found a chiropractor who uses functional medicine, Dr. Carron Perry, an excellent resource for problems such as brain fog. Her website is: .

If you’re experiencing brain fog, my suggestion is to get some help. It can make a difference!